Add some background strokes to add some depth. Don't be fussy; keep it suggestive
Make a texture paste with Plaster of Paris, white acrylic paint & Elmers Glue-all. See recipe in link below ⬇️Mix until smooth and desired consistency. (adjust accordingly)
Using a pallet knife (or something similar) block in edges of trees with thick strokes. Vary the sizes, angles and locations of the trees,
By adding a bit of black to the texture paste the trees get a bit more loose definition of form. Let areas of colour show through the thick texture. Add a few branches & some falling snow - anything goes...
This is much like buttering a sandwich but you can use as much as you like here... The aim is to have a low key (less contrast) wintery white scene.
Impressionistic painting makes for less criticism of details. Stand back and look from a distance... Keep it simple
The tactility is great and gives the suggestion of snow and winter. There are many ways to Plaster texture paste to create modern art as well.
The tactility is great and gives the suggestion of snow and winter. There are many ways to Plaster texture paste to create modern art as well (more projects on my site soon...)
This make great Holiday and Christmas decor as it pairs well with lights and trees! Check out the concrete Christmas trees as well. They throw great shadows of light.