This bundle was rolled onto itself with no plastic barrier. After the tight rolling and tying it is bent in a circle to fit in the pot
Into the boiling 'Dirty pot' it goes... to boil for about 3 hours. Eucalyptus takes a long 'cook' and high heat to give colourful prints
Look at how beautiful and dark the wool has dyed. The iron from the rusty bits have darkened the brew during the 3 hour boil.
Let the bundle cool down and let drip out. Carfeully untie the bundle and behold the amazing designs. Check out the lovely string marks! ❤️
Can you believe these crisp prints happened in a pot of dark brew?! The colour depend on the specie of Eucalyptus. Not all eucalptus leaves will print red, but when they do it's awesome!
Wash the wool without too much agitation to prevent felting. I like to use shampoo and a bit of conditioner to keep the wool soft. Then the finishing sewing happens...