DIY Simple First Needle Felting Project - Mittens ❤️
Did you know that you can use wool fibres to make pictures on fabric?It's called Needle FeltingThese great colours are wool roving; fibres that not been spun into yarn yet
Basic Tools for needle Felting:• A Felting Needle (has barbs on it) Multi-needle tools also make felting a bit faster.• To protect your surface use a felting pad or a piece of foam. • A variety of colours of Roving for your chosen design. You can mix colours as well.
What do you need to do Needle Felting?As you guessed; you need the right type of needles. These are felting needles; they have barbs along the shaft that pull the fibres into the fabric.
The needle is pokes the little sections of roving into the background fabric. You can use felted sweaters or other dense fabrics. The Wool fibres have tiny scales that let the fibres get tangled and that assures that the fibre attaches.
Keep adding sections of what ever colour you like. Start simple or be complex... It is like painting with bits of wool roving. Poke, poke, poke. Be careful of your fingers!
Details can be added on top. Twist sections to make fine lines. Trim away what you need to.
How CUTE is that?It came together without any fancy embroidery stitches! Needle felting does not take that long as you can poke quite quickly. These are ready to become mittens...