My Cozy Winter Holiday Decor

Keeping the decor in the same colour family gives a peaceful calm feeling to the hectic holidays! Use light and shadow for effect...

The art is very tactile and textured like fresh winter snow... Make your own texture paste and it's a pretty simple piece of art - take a look:

Soft light colours sooth the soul, and keep me calm. Set lights with timers for ease and take time to relax...

Can you believe that these are made of concrete?! Use them indoors or out!

Cheap plastic ornaments look fabulous when cut into unique designs... with a hot knife! Did you know?! Add some fairy lights and it has a warm glow.

The extra large plastic balls make for such great design opportunities for hand-cutting with a hot knife. How wonderful to customize and they do not break like glass...

A bit of Christmas whimsy: rustic woodland gnomes. The noses are so full of character you can not help but smile... The neutral colours let you keep these up after Christmas

Pick the best faux tree possible; you will not regret it, let the real ones live...

A few household ingredients can make some sweet Cold Porcelain Clay ornaments, simple in pure white ❤️

Simplicity is the essence of design; not overworked or complicated  handmade ornaments. Perfect for budget friendly projects with the kiddies

Do not be afraid of using whatever feels festive to you...