Granny Square Afghan to a Jacket
Can you believe there aren’t hours and hours of crocheting to make this Jacket?! It’s a super quick upcycle project but still high on sentiment. Check out this easy peasy way to make a Granny Square Afghan to a Jacket.
My Big Secret:
First let me say; this project is a dedication to all those Granny’s; the ones who would lovingly spend days & weeks to make you a lovely blanket. Sadly before you know it, you tire of the colours and you donate it.
Well, that’s where I come in. I often shop those thrift places since I appreciate and cherish certain fabrics and fibres. Having sewn my own clothes for most if my life I understand what fabric is and know that some of the older ones are quite special. I often up-cycle many natural fibre sheets and blankets when I Eco Print and hand-dye. It pains me when I see perfect, hardly used afghans just waiting for a home. Looking at them I have often yearned to figure out some way to give them more deserved loving.
My Beautiful Specimen:
Can you believe that this was $5?! This is a typical Granny Square Afghan that is made with individual (10 x 10 = 100) squares that are attached after crocheting. They are often made with all kinds of colours. This one is about 48″ square. When deciding if your found afghan is big enough it should be wide enough to wrap around you and long enough for double the length of the jacket (once for body piece, once for arm lengths; my mom taught me some ‘ballpark’ ways to figure how much fabric needed)
When in doubt, make a small model… Haha, yup sometimes it helps to do a hands-on test. Since this pattern is all made of ‘squares’ I used some paper towel to make a mini one. Draw, cut, and tape and it worked!
The Pattern:
These afghan pattern pieces are designed to remain as rectangular as possible due to the way they are made. The Main body is one piece (no side seams) and the arm holes are opened up. Two Rectangular sleeves fit the arm holes, and a hood is made from the leftover (or no hood if you choose).
Cut the yarn to undo the squares from each other & open the seams (check if they are crocheted or sewn together). This afghan was crocheted together so cutting the single crochet would easily open the seams.
Pull on the yarn (try each direction) and it will start to come apart easily. Only take apart along the red lines of pattern above.
The sections where the seams of the opposite direction cross the openings you will also need to open.. I just carefully cut them and then stitched them well to prevent unravelling.
Here you see the simple shapes clipped together.
All Pinned Together:
Fold the front sides toward the middle to utilize the already finished edges at the front and bottom. The sleeves fit into the slots on the body sides. The shoulder seam determines the neck opening. Make sure the neck opening matches the width of the hood. It is a square hood with a straight bottom that matches the width of the neck. Sew or crochet the seams together.
I used the single crochet stitch to close the seams with the yarn that was pulled from the deconstruction. The hood did need and bit of extra stitching to match the edging… (see funny story below)
Amazing transformation isn’t it? I think some ‘Granny’ is smiling somewhere without knowing why.
I am quite happy with the result… However, the person I made this for thought it would look better without the fancy edging and I agree it looks much more ‘Bohemian’ now and less like a baby blanket.
A bit Simpler Edges
Yes, a simpler design, as the edging pulled off very easily. It is roomy as it has extra width in the front to overlap. The sleeves are straight & wide.
I read somewhere that someone invented the ‘Oodie’ (an oversized hoodie) Really?! I imagine many other blankets can also be translated into an oversized jacket or even ‘hoodie’, so then Grandma would smile when you posted your selfie on Instagram! (if grandma has IG)
My sweetie loves hers and matches her eclectic style. Come on, ‘own’ your unique one-of-a-kind style!
It’s how I roll, my website helper is paid in ‘love’ & warm wraps.
Thanks to my baby for the great modelling! We are staying safe and warm as it’s still a little chilly here in the great north; Canada!
Smiles are always welcome and are enough payment… Go ahead and rescue some poor granny’s hard work from ending in a landfill and convert a Granny Square Afghan to a Jacket . I guarantee it will make you feel good. Stay warm and make happy!
Muchas gracias, siempre tan amable en compartir su arte. Me encanta hacer granys y qué mejor que unirlos en ese abrigo tan bonito. Un gran abrazo y sigamos haciendo lo que nos gusta. la invito a mirar mis trabajos en Instagram “connuestrasmanos
Love this so much! Usually don’t see granny square in white, but I’m inspired and am on the hunt! Thanks so much.
It has started to become quite the fashion item as a famous musician also wore one. It’s fun to keep a look out… ‘Any colour can work!
I’ve been looking up info on how to make coats out of afghans and your tutorial is BY FAR the best I’ve seen. Thank you! You explained it so well and your finished coat is awesome! I’ll be checking out more of your site and tutorials, as I’ve spent the last 6 months collecting afghans at goodwill and I’m ready to start upcycling them.
Thanks again!
Thanks! I have made jackets from wool blankets as well and you will probably like the vest from blanket too! Eco printing does well on wool too! Have tons of fun!
Thank you for this! I’m itching to get to the thrift store and see what they “have in stock” haha! I’m thinking this would be perfect for my little grand girls! I see afghans all the time and pass them by because we don’t technically NEED any more blankets….says the girl who just received a vintage granny blanket today from eBay! LOL
There are certain things I always look for at thrift stores and blankets are one! It always amazes me that they seem to have such a short stay in most homes. I have gotten some great ones and also some wool blankets. There is also this way; a vest to up-cycle a blanket or throw! Since you are going to the thrift store anyways!
love it Barb!!! You come up with such fabulous ideas!
Thanks! I can bet you’ve got something that would be perfect! ‘Or even to set into a jean jacket since you do such nice embroidery!
Hi Barb, I’ve been clearing out some things and came across a stack of granny squares. I’ve been humming and haa-ing about what to do with them because the cat really does not need another blanket. Thank you for the idea of making something for myself. All my best ……/leslie
Oh Great! I’m on the lookout for a special afghan that can be put into a jean jacket in the window pane style! Well, almost anything can be used! Poof, there goes my brain again! I also think that as we age we get more sentimental; seeing the work that went into some of those afghans…