The Most Unique Concrete Gift Ideas
Doesn’t it drive you crazy when you keep seeing the same stuff all over the ‘net?! So many just regurgitate what they find. Yes, I know some of my projects take a bit of thinking but it’s worth it I believe. And you know I hate being typical. If you are looking to make something for Christmas I’ve made a collection of The Most Unique Concrete Gift Ideas
First things First:
If you have never worked with concrete it might be a good idea to check out this post, as there are few things you should know. If you start small and simple you will be amazed at how easy it is; no big wheel barrows needed! I’d say it is one step above plaster of paris.
Another thing to be aware of is that not all concrete is the same. That is what I get most ‘help’ emails about. Just like baking you can’t just use another ingredient without considering how it works. I love to use ‘Quickset’ concrete mixes since I am always trying to get a million things done in a hurry. But there are many mixes out there so this post may help you. I know it may be winter where you are, but if you are careful and safe I have crafted in the house as well.
Here we go:
Concrete Geometric Polyhedron Container
I still marvel at this one each time I look at it, possibly since I remember how hard it was t make that pattern (using only my brain). It works great and isn’t made with cardboard like those ‘net’ ones. It can be used for many things as well.
Faux Fossil Forest Coasters
I make a lot of things with natures gifts and this one picks up so much detail from the leaves. If it’s hard to find leaves you may also use what you can find in the grocery store. I have been known to use cabbage leaves… You really do need to use the proper mix for this one, as they end up quite thin and strong
Concrete Cone Christmas Trees
These simple design trees are great as candles can be added for effect. Varying the size and yarn can yield many different results. They could also withstand the elements if you choose exterior use.
DIY Giant Concrete Geode
Who doesn’t love some sparkle!? I think these have made it quite far and wide over the internet to the point of much imitation. I’ve even come across people selling them at a Gem show (sadly no acknowledgement), but they say imitation is a form of flattery. These can be made in many shapes and sizes, but do try to mimic natural colours for most realism. You can also make the Geode lamp while you are at it…
Easy Poured Concrete Bowls
Bowls and planters are pretty basic, but I do add some unique finishes and painting techniques. Add a couple succulents and you have a nice hostess gift.
Live Edge Concrete Bowls
I especially like it when it looks like ‘Mother Nature’ made it so these look great. And they are quite forgiving since they are not that fussy for finishing.
Cast Your Own Concrete Charm
This project can be adapted to be anything that you like, maybe a charm, or pendant, or even a tree ornament. Look around and find something that will look amazing in concrete! Or even make your own Sculpture.
Well, there you go… That will give you some ideas and choices. Just tell them some ‘nice blogger Lady’ helped you when they say ‘how the heck did you do that?!’ Just remember, each gift you make gives a tiny piece of your heart, so therefore it’s extra special. Happy making and joyful giving!
Alright, I hear you say you don’t have time to make anything, sure, go ahead & pin it on Pinterest for the future but go here to ‘buy’ some of my made stuff.
Your comment about “no acknowledgement ” made me think about something I’ve been wanting to tell you . I saved your article on eco-printing to my Pinterest board. and it i s surprising how many people have ‘pinned’ the article to their boards from mine. Probably around 30! Every time I get a notice that someone else has pinned it, I want to get in touch with them and telll them how to get direcctly connected to your site., but there is no way to do that. However, your name and website are on the article, so hopefully it will lead them directly to you. There is so much more than just eco-printing to learn—and what better way than to get it straight from the source?
Hi Barb…
You are AMAZINGLY creative!!! I LOVE that you share your ideas and DIY Know-How.
I feel that I am “artistically challenged” but, I can not wait to try the geodes! I am a rock fanatic (esp. anything that has sparkle/crystals within it) and cannot go anywhere w/o picking up at least one ‘cool’ rock. (I usually have a pocket-full…LOL)
Thanks so much for sharing!
Have a great day!!
~ Hope ~
Start small and check my ‘tips post’ After the first cast you’ll be hooked!
great holiday ideas – I can’t believe what a great manicure you’ve got after doing all these amazing projects!
Hi. I was wondering if you would make a pair of concrete shoes. My father passed away in April of 22. We were wanting to make a memorial for him at the Nutrition center where he spent alot of his time. A year before he passed, he started badly hating shoes. We were wanting to do a bench with a pair of shoes sitting next to it. Please let me know if you can help. Thank you.
Sorry about your dad. The problem I see is when shoes are dipped in concrete they do not absorb the concrete. I have seen some shoe planters at the garden centres though. Spring is a good time to check for concrete items. Good luck…